Beech Class - Years 3 & 4
Welcome to Beech Class!
Miss Bethany Merry
Mrs Ritches
Mrs Scott (Friday AM)
Class Novel:
We are reading Secrets of Platform 13 by Eva Ibbotson
Under Platform 13 at King's Cross Station there is a secret door that leads to a magical island . . .
It appears only once every nine years. And when it opens, four mysterious figures step into the streets of London. A wizard, an ogre, a fey and a young hag have come to find the prince of their kingdom, stolen as a baby nine years before.
But the prince has become a horrible rich boy called Raymond Trottle, who doesn't understand magic and is determined not to be rescued.
Books we have read so far this year
Termly Homework
This term, our weekly homework activities are focused on learning about Electricity. The activities are science-focused, with a range of research and applying their knowledge to create their electrical inventions.
Daily Reading
Daily homework consists of reading, for at least 15 minutes a day, Reading diaries are checked weekly and there are 2 marbles available if everyone brings theirs in! Please ensure that reading books and diaries are brought into school every day.
They will need to choose their book from the 100 book list, or another age-appropriate text. Please ask if you are not sure.
Daily Spellings and Times Tables
Every day, the children will also bring home a homework folder, containing spelling sheets to practice their weekly words, and their times tables.
Click here for the statutory word list for Years 3 and 4. These are the words that the children are expected to be able to spell at the end of Year 4.
Spellings and times tables will be tested every Friday.
Autumn 2 spellings
Autumn 1 Spellings
This week
Children are getting ready to perform their music in an assembly for the parents. They have been working extremely hard and are excited to share their hard work.
Children have been very excited with their DT project focused on Static electricity. They had such a great time exploring attraction from static electricity.
Christmas festivities are beginning in Beech class. Whilst the normal curriculum is being followed, there will be a few festive surprises dotted throughout the term for children to enjoy.
Curriculum Overview
Click here for this term's curriculum overview.
Year 3 End of Year Expectations
Year 4 End of Year Expectations
Knowledge Organisers - for retrieval
A1 Science KO- States of Matter
Class Pictures