Our School Development Plan
How can you help us achieve our objectives?
Priority 1 - To improve the provision and outcomes in Early Years and KS1 in reading, writing and maths.
- Children in Willow and Sapling Class will improve their reading fluency and accuracy by learning from the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme.
- Children will focus on mental maths strategies to support their understanding in maths.
- Children will have more opportunity to reflect on themselves as learners, the task and subjects they are learning in order that they become more effective and independent learners.
- Teachers are trained to ensure each child is getting the very best possible education.
- Teachers will closely track the Knowledge and understanding of each child in each subject by using regular assessments and quick quizzes. They will let parents/ carers know what their child needs to focus on.
How can you help?
Ensure your child reads at home at least 5 times a week.
Help your child to complete additional work at home as part of their learning.
Ensure your child attends school every day.
Priority 2 - Embed our Greatworth Curriculum so that it goes beyond the national requirements and fully reflects our curriculum drivers and community of the school.
we plan to:
Embed strategies to strengthen children's knowledge in History, Geography and Science.
Subject leaders are fully empowered, responsible and accountable for outcomes and standards in their subject.
Further develop children's access to digital learning
Further develop our reading spine to support learning across the curriculum
Regularly review our curriculum to support children being self-aware; culturally and globally aware and ready for the next stage of their education.
We will use assessment to identify children's misconceptions and next steps.
We will produce an educational visit schedule to ensure a wide range of cultural experiences for our children.
How you can help?
Discuss with your child the topics they are learning about in school. Regularly test them on Knowledge Organisers sent home from previous term. This will help them to retain the information learn.
Help with homework projects
Encourage your child to be responsible for their own actions and look after themselves and others.
Engage in conversations about the world around them and the importance of taking care of their planet
Priority 3- To maintain a positive and productive environment by ensuring all children are self-regulated, independent and respectful.
We plan to :
In the early years, children are taught to be self-regulated, independent and respectful.
The early years environment enhances learning providing curious and creative learning opportunities .
behaviour is outstanding across the school.
Children know how to keep themselves healthy and safe
How can you help?
Ask in school if you are struggling with your child's behaviour at home
support the school in implementing the behaviour policy
Support your child by giving them responsibility for all aspects of self-care
talk to them about how to maintain healthy routines
Priority 4 - Governors and Leaders successfully create a culture of high expectations
we plan to:
- Regularly visit classrooms and look at books to see what else can be done to improve learning in their subject
- use the website to showcase the school and informs parent of curriculum, safeguarding and well-being information
- Inform governors of the work we do in school to improve children's attainment and respond to governor questions
- Use regular plan, do and review cycle to improve teaching
- the learning environment reflects the school's work in improving learning in all subjects
- teachers will have ambitious targets and expectations in their teaching of the curriculum and improve their practice by taking part in training.
How can you help?
Complete parent questionnaires which are sent out termly
Let us know when you are impressed with your child's progress