Greatworth Primary School

Parent Feedback Survey March 2024

You said..


We did...

My child is happy at school


Parents are encouraged to contact school if they are concerned about their child. There are many reasons for this and some simple intervention can sort the problem out  ie a ‘Meet and Greet’ in the morning or an individual check-in may make all the difference! Get in touch!

My child feels safe at school



My child has someone to talk to if they have any worries


Revisit the ‘helping hand’ and class create a worry box for each classroom. All staff will continue to check in with children regularly. 

The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved


 Please see Rewards and Sanctions information below 

My child has been bullied and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively


Revisit the School Council ‘Bullying Checklist’ and Child Friendly Child on Child Abuse Policy

Teachers and classes to regularly talk about bullying and response and responsibilities

The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year


Parents to be reminded of the class curriculum pages.
Parents evening follow up for any who didn’t attend

Knowledge organiser letters to be resent to remind parents of their function and school approach

Welcome parents to get in touch with any questions regarding progress or curriculum content

invite parents to SEN parents meetings for summer term and intervention letters to be sent to parents at start of each term


The school lets me know how my child is doing


The school has high expectations of my child


The school does have high expectations with homework, Learning behaviours and conduct in school. The school was ranked in top 1% of schools in the country for standards this year and is on track for similar performance in 2024.

Standards in phonics and reading in KS1 have risen significantly in the last 2 years.

When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly


Parents encouraged to contact school and teachers if they have any concerns.

My child has SEN and the school gives them the support they need to succeed


SENCO to contact all parents in Summer 1 to inform of targets, progress and invite to meeting.

Resend recent Report if needed

My child does well at this school


Teachers to add detail about progress made in last cycle into intervention letters to parents.

Continue to celebrate progress for all children in phone-calls, conversations and Celebration Assemblies.

My child can take part in clubs and activities in this school


All children able to participate in KS1 and KS2 clubs + Chenderit sports (KS2) and football and basketball clubs. Music lessons available to all KS2 children

Success and achievements, inside and outside of school are celebrated


Celebration Assemblies and strong teacher-pupil relationships ensure children are consistently praised for their achievements

The school supports my child’s wider personal development


Physical Literacy – Active 30, playground challenges and Inter-school competitions,

Sports coaches for gymnastics, PE, football and tennis.

Trips and events support children’s cultural and personal development (linked to topics)

British Values – School council and whole school events ie Pet Week

Understanding of Equity and Equality through teaching of the protected characteristics through assembly.

We aim for our children to be Self-Aware, socially-aware, globally aware and Key Stage Ready;.

Our School Curriculum Values are: Empowered, Respectful, Positive, Curious and Creative

These ensure our curriculum supports children in being responsible citizens, being resilient learners with a growth mind-set. They are taught to be tolerant, respectful of others. They are provided with a curriculum which encourages their curiosity and creativity in terms of problem-solving and the arts.


I would recommend this school to another parent



School Values are clear and promoted


Some parents were unsure of our values.

We aim for our children to be Self-Aware, socially-aware, globally aware and Key Stage Ready;.

In essence- we aim for our children to be great learners who can self-regulate and recognise their own emotions; respectful and tolerant of others in society; aware of global issues and the environment and have the key learning skills academically and personally to move onto secondary school. 

I am happy with the amount of homework set


This is always a contentious issue for parents, some parents want their children to receive more homework, and others less! We expect all children to focus on a few minutes per day of maths facts practice, spellings and reading. By providing these bite-sized daily homework tasks, we aim for children to build good habits. KS2 children are expected to complete these at break-time if they are not completed.

Further to this, children and parents can select a task each week which relates to and enhances the topics being covered that term. It allows the children to be creative and curious about their learning. It also allows parents an insight into the topics covered in school. Further to this, children and parents can select a task each week which relates to and enhances the topics being covered that term.

 If your child is finding key skills daily homework or is reluctant to read at home, please do speak to your child’s class teacher so that they can support.



Are you aware of the rewards and sanctions in school?


Some parents were unsure of the behaviour policy. Please see below.


At Greatworth, children earn a whole class marble for behaviour or work that goes beyond what is expected of them. Once a full jar is collected, the class then vote on which reward they would like. This could be a trip to the park, slippers, popcorn and film or anything else they fancy!

Teachers also offer special mentions, jobs, responsibilities or opportunities as well as specific praise so children understand why they are being rewarded.

Restorative Conversations

We use restorative conversations to support children in making the right choices in school and for helping children to understand each other and work past their problems and conflicts.


Ladder of Consequences for Sapling Class: follows the same policy as the rest of the school with some adjustments while settling in. a traffic-light system which allows teachers to give short, non-verbal reminders around good behaviour. When children get to the star, the receive a marble and when they are moved to the red zone, children miss 4-6 minutes of their breaktime.

A 5 minute sand-timer should be used for time-out. Clear expectations are set by all adults at the beginning of the school year. In addition, regular circle times allow classes opportunities to promote and reward positive behaviour. Before any involvement in the behaviour system, all children are fully aware of school expectations.

In KS2 the system is similar:

Step 1: Warning This is an important first consequence because it gives the child an opportunity to choose more appropriate behaviour.

Step 2: Name on board and a reminder of the rules

Step 3: Time Out (10 minutes)

Should a child gain 2 warnings in quick succession, or gain a warning for act from which they need time to cool down, then they will be given time out of the task, activity or of their class. In more extreme cases they may be asked to continue with their class work but will be supervised by another teacher or the Head Teacher.

This will give the child time to reflect and discuss their behaviour without falling behind with their work. Once the adult confirms that the time out is over the child will be returned to his/her class.

Step 4: Break detention If a child’s behaviour is consistently unacceptable and many ‘time outs’ are required, missing break may ensue. This may be for part or all of break dependent on the severity of the behaviours. At the end of the detention the child’s behaviour will again be discussed.

Step 5: Behaviour Report Persistent behavioural concerns may require a Behaviour Log to record behaviours to be reviewed with outside parents and professionals. A Behaviour Report may also be introduced with personalised sanctions and rewards. They may be more incremental.

Step 5: Parents meeting

Should the warnings system not have the desired effect then the Head Teacher will call the child’s parents in order to discuss the next possible steps. Positive Behaviour Plans are created to support individuals with additional behavioural and emotional needs.